Black Tiger Badis
Black Tiger Badis
This centerpiece nanofish is closer in relation to Anabantoids and Labyrinthfishes than Cichlids, despite how perch-like they look! These micropredators grow to about 1.25 - 1.50 inches and exhibit black bands at the anterior of their body that transition to red, with red dorsal fins often outlined in iridescent blue-white.
Dario tigris originate from tannic water environments but have been acclimated to handle a wide range of water parameters, although soft to neutral water conditions are preferred. Densely planted tanks will allow cohabitation of multiple specimens, with males lighting up and sparring occasionally over mates or territorial disputes. This species can be stocked with shoals of micro rasbora species like Boraras, Celestichthys, and Sundadanio as dither fish.
Being a micropredatory species, the Black Tiger Badis will appreciate live or frozen baby brine shrimp, daphnia, adult brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
Shipping & DOA Policy
Shipping & DOA Policy
Shipping days are Monday Tuesday and Wednesday in case any delay the fish wont be stuck in traship over the weeked. All live fish will be shipped ONLY through overnight shipping.
DOA Policy: Photo or video documentation of
dead fish in original packaging within 1 hour of first delivery
attempt. No coverage to delay or damage cause by postal office. DOA
Policy covers total cost of the fish shipping not included